Brands still matter - content exceeds context

 The concept of branding and leading edge seems to have given way to search engine optimization (SEO) and top of the page. There is a time when the battle for the brand's position on store shelves, storefronts, mannequins, or in the minds of consumers is fought for. Now he has turned to search engines and social media.

Are Branding and Brand Ownership Still Important? It seems to have been modified or scaled down, but the technology is unlikely to erase the brand from our knowledge or eliminate the main benefits of the product. How can you decide on more than 25 toothpaste products on the grocery shelf without a brand definition? Are you looking for a smartphone or just grabbing your favorite brand? Branding is a heuristic part of our everyday lives - it's in our gray matter, not part of search engines or ad clicks. Not yet!

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As early as 1957, writer Vance Packard revealed in his major work entitled "Hidden Persuasion" the psychological techniques and subconscious tactics that were questioned when a product was promoted. He made us evaluate the benefits of the product. "Is it really for the best or is it just for other people to believe it?" Meanwhile, we live, trade, and discuss our lives according to the set of standards that Madison Avenue has provided us through the pages of Life and Look magazine.

A classic example of Packard is a risky girl bra ad, which features a woman barely wearing a skirt and bra, thinking, "I dreamed that I was doing . . . (some daily activities) with my girl's bra." This promotional tone, of a woman flaunting her underwear, was enough to shock the unshakable 1950s culture to make Maidenform a compelling brand and Vance Packard a bestselling author.

Today, online marketing seems to have gone from “impressing every audience” to SEO at all costs. It seems that the main goal of SEO is to drive out the competition. And it's no secret. Google has recognized this and the decline it has caused on the Internet and its own trust in users. Google's response has been to change its search algorithms over the past year to prevent SEO combined manipulation and to promote better content out of context. Other search engines might do the same.

Looking back on the branding insights that Marshall McLuhan foretold in his best-selling book Understanding the Media: Human Extensions (1964), in which the famous quote "The Message is the Media" was introduced, marketing has become more than a "ranking" medium - pin messages to"

There was a time when web crawlers became the most popular search engine and Yahoo! SEO hasn't been invented yet. The content is king.


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